A few things:
1. We will use this Blog to spout about our concerns and opinions. However, we don't want this to be just about what we think. We want it to be about you, too. That said, we want you to spout about your concerns and opinions as well.
2. We will use this Blog to focus on serious stuff, like immigration issues and gas prices. We want to know what you think about what's going on in the world and how what's going on is impacting your business. In this regard, we want the Blog to be useful.
3. We will also use this Blog to focus on fun stuff, like talking sports and entertainment. Maybe we'll ask you to list your five favorite rock 'n' roll albums of all time.
4. We want this Blog to be useful. We want it to garner information so we can all learn some things.
Happy Blogging!
-- Larry Aylward, Editor in Chief