Friday, February 01, 2013

Don't forget your November issue of GCM

Going to the GIS? Don't forget your November issue of GCM!

No, I'm not losing my mind. Listen:

In this post last week I complained that the GCSAA didn't print a GIS program this year. Well, I was wrong. Apologies to the GCSAA. They did print a program, it's in the back of the November GCM (this was the issue with the cover that had a close up of the "control" button on a computer keyboard.)

Sorry, I missed it. Now I know where it is. I will tear this out (sorry, I can't be walking around the GIS holding a GCM!) and take it with me.

I also see GCSAA included a few different languages in the program. That's cool -- well done.

I would still rather have it as a separate piece, but at least it's somewhere and not just digital (digital-only... thumb's down!)

There was some other discussion generated by that post, regarding my complaints on this year's keynote speakers. You can check it out here by scrolling down to the comments -- GCSAA gave a pretty lengthy response.

What do you think? Keep the conversation going! Or vote in the poll on this page. Am I being unfair to this year's speakers??

I'll try to post some thoughts later. Right now there's a GIS to plan for, an issue to get out the door, and an episode of The Joe Schmo Show on the DVR. I gotta get moving!

1 comment:

  1. Jeff Bollig, GCSAA11:27 PM

    To be clear, the brochure in GCM is only a planning tool. When attendees get on site an updated directory for GIS and a Conference program is provided. Its been that way for a long time. No need to bring November GCM.
