Tuesday, September 04, 2012

GCSAA prez reaches out

An email went out to all GCSAA members this afternoon, from President Sandy Queen, asking for help identifying superintendents who may be in need. Specifically, the email asks for help identifying members who have been impacted by Hurricane Isaac.

The entire contents of the email is below:

Dear GCSAA Members,

Sandy Queen, CGCS
GCSAA President
On behalf of my fellow GCSAA board members, I share my deep concern for those members, their families and staffs who have been impacted by Hurricane Isaac. We know many of them suffered personal loss and that weighs heavily on all of our minds.

GCSAA has deployed field staff to make contact with chapter leaders to help identify members in need. As much as we try to be proactive, we need your assistance in communicating with us regarding your needs. Please feel free to email me or any of your GCSAA board of directors or contact GCSAA at 800-472-7878 to alert us of any situation impacting members.

As an association, our fundamental charge is to serve its members. In times of need, we must respond with assistance. I appreciate staff's responsiveness in alerting members to our emergency assistance fund (for personal losses not covered by insurance) and with information to help manage their professional situations. If you did not see the latest information on hurricane and flood recovery, please access the following link.

In difficult times such as this, it is reassuring to know our national organization is there with assistance. But whether it is in the aftermath of Isaac or at other times of challenge, your assistance is vital in helping to link GCSAA resources to those affected. GCSAA chapters play a key role in by providing "boots on the ground" support. At the same time, GCSAA continues to advocate to lawmakers, with funding from the Environmental Institute for Golf, for federal legislation to provide golf facilities disaster relief dollars.

The GCSAA membership is a close knit group. We have consistently shown we care for each other in time of need. Despite the competitive nature of our business, we know there is higher calling to reach out to help.

For those who have suffered loss through recent weather induced disasters such as drought, fires and floods, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, your families and your staffs.


Sandy G. Queen, CGCS

GCSAA President

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