Monday, June 04, 2012

Hendren's Hyperbole! -- Enjoy the Moment

This is a little advice for all assistant superintendents and other maintenance employees who want more than anything to move up the food chain but feel they are going nowhere fast: ENJOY WHERE YOU ARE NOW! 
I know from personal experience that the grass is not always greener. I would argue that it is rarely greener. My fondest memories involving golf course maintenance work is when I was a grunt at a course in Kansas City. We worked long hours, tackled less than enjoyable tasks but we had a great time all day every day. I just assumed that all golf course maintenance staffs enjoyed their work as much as we did. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Not everyone involved in golf course maintenance has a passion for it like I do and my fellow maintenance workers did years ago.
I understand that when you set a goal for yourself it is natural to want the fastest path from point A to point B. I just want to make sure I do my part to make sure you take advantage of where you are today and learn everything you possibly can. There is nothing that can take the place on-the-job training. When the time is right I am sure you will find the right job for you.
So stop for a moment and appreciate what you're doing in this industry right now. Hopefully it gets even better in the future, but in case it does not... enjoy the moment!
-- Matt Hendren

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