Monday, March 26, 2012

Hendren's Hyperbole! -- Celebrating a Tiger Win

What’s up Golfdom fans! It is me, Matt Hendren of Hendren’s Hyperbole back at you after an eventful hiatus.

In January my wife and I welcomed our third child into the world. After two girls I guess the third time really is the charm because I finally got the boy I have been wanting. The funny thing is he was born with a Wolverine beard and is the spitting image of his pop!

I also had the privilege of going to the 2012 GIS with the Golfdom crew. It was a great show and I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people and catch up with some people I hadn’t seen in a while.

So, yesterday Tiger finally won a tournament. This was his first PGA Tour win since September 13, 2009. Good for Tiger but isn’t that what he is supposed to do? No one makes a big deal when Seth puts out an awesome magazine month after month… that’s what he is supposed to do!

Anyways, this got me thinking about what Tiger might have done to celebrate his first victory in a while. Here’s my shot at Tiger’s top 5 things to do after his big win. Here goes nothing!

5. Stop by Perkins for some scrambled eggs. Nothing makes a guy need to protein load like a win!
4. Scratch a check for half of his winnings to his ex-wife. Sucks for him, but I think he’ll be alright.
3. Call Hank Haney and let him know how much he appreciates that his tell-all book is coming out tomorrow! Thanks for that timing, Hank!
2. Swing by Vegas to blow off some steam. Maybe make back some of the winnings he lost to the ex?
1. Purchase his final four tickets to watch the Jayhawks beat down Ohio State! With apologies to all the guys at Golfdom HQ in Cleveland, everyone knows God hates sports teams from Ohio!

What do you think was on Tiger’s list of top 5 things to do after his win? Shoot me a comment and let me know!

I’m glad to be back!

-- Matt Hendren

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