Wednesday, January 04, 2012

To golf in the GCSAA tournament, or not to golf in the GCSAA tournament?

The deadline for registering for the GCSAA golf tournament (AKA the National Championship and Golf Classic) is this Friday.

I played in my first tournament last year, after years of wanting to attend but being unable to (only a handful of GCSAA staff people go to tournament, and I wasn't one of them.) And I have to tell you, it was a classy event. The courses in Palm Beach, Fla., were great, the rooms at PGA National were nice, the registration gifts were cool (I still wear the Bolle sunglasses) and the company was excellent, a tremendous group of people. I had fun.

But by the end of the ensuing GIS, I was just done. Toasted. Wore out. Adding the golf classic made it for a looooong trip to the GIS last year. I'm looking forward to Las Vegas this year, but I'm not looking to making the trip too long for my family, my calendar and my liver, to handle.

I still love ya GCSAA, but you will have to go it without my sorry high-handicap ass this year. I'm sure you won't miss my golf, but you might miss my golf registration fee.

Take the Golfdom poll: What primary reason keeps you from going to the GCSAA tournament? The poll is right over there in the top right column -----> There you go. Go ahead, click an answer. Click any answer. I promise we won't laugh. It's anonymous, after all.

It's too bad for me because I would love to tee it up in Palm Springs, where the tournament is being hosted. I've spent many a day in the Palm Springs area, yet I've only played one round there (at my pal David Hay's course, Indian Wells.) But it's over four hours from Palm Springs to Las Vegas! I don't imagine that would be a pleasant drive after three rounds of golf. I'm glad I'm not the one in charge of selling the tournament to members, because that commute is a tough obstacle to overcome.

Here's an idea, one that is by no means original: why not have the tournament in the same city as the conference? Or at least, closer? I could swing two days, maybe three days, if I was already set up in the proper city.

If you've got the gas in the tank for 54 holes in Palm Springs and then a few days of conference in Sin City, don't forget to sign up by Friday. As for me, I'm afraid I'm going to have to save that gas for Vegas, baby!

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