Friday, January 21, 2011

Places to be: BASF booth

I thought I'd start a series of posts here about some of the booths that are celebrating the GIS with some awesome giveaways... since I just spoke with these guys yesterday about the topic, I'll lead off with BASF (and to get your cool booth activities listed here soon, email me at

I spoke with Heather Mueller of PSB yesterday, and she told me about how the game of Superintendent Thousandaire works... you know they're giving away some big money prizes to superintendents, a la "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," right?

So I figured that to participate, you have to get your name drawn, or something like that.

But no, it's easier. You just have to be at the BASF booth (# 940) at the right time.

So that time is top-secret, right? There's the rub, I figure... you've got to pop in and hope they're getting ready to choose some supers to compete in Thousandaire.

And then Heather told me, "It's at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Wednesday, and at 11 a.m. on Thursday."

Ooh! So I got the scoop, right?

"No, we tell everyone that information. We post it on our blog, too."

Oh. OK. Well... how cool is that? You know the time and the place... all you have to do is go to the booth at that time and look like a superintendent who wants to win money. Heck, I could do that!

I'll also take this opportunity to remind you that your friendly (and even not-so-friendly) golf media will all be at the BASF booth at 3 p.m. on Thursday competing in our own version of Superintendent Thousandaire. All the money raised goes to charity. You can read more about that here.

Check out the BASF Turf Talk blog for the complete 411 on their giveaways during the GIS. Here's a hint: cash, product and turf books!

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