Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What Are You Doing About Those Dang Deer?

Nothing runs into your car and damages it more like a deer.

I’ve had several near misses over the years of hitting deer (or them hitting me), but I met my fate the other night. I buck ran smack in the side of my car as I was traveling 65 mph down the interstate.

If I was one second earlier, I would have missed him. But if I was one second later, he might have come through the windshield and crushed me.

So I guess I’m lucky that he only caused my car about $1,000 in damages.

The deer situation where I live in northeast Ohio seems out of control. They are everywhere!

I know many superintendents welcome wildlife on their golf courses. But what about an overabundance of deer? Are deer causing you and your course problems? If so, what are doing about it?

— Larry Aylward

1 comment:

  1. Lots of deer on our municipal golf course in Albany, NY. NYS Thruway runs along one end of property, and I've heard deer getting wacked by cars. Last week, my dog chased one accross the Thruway, and I watched it being missed by inches by a pickup.

    Have had a neighbor call me up and ask "What are you going to do about YOUR deer eating MY shrubs? Didn't have a good answer for her, other than to get a list of shrubs deer don't prefer from Cooperative Extension. She liked her arborvitae, and so did the deer.

    Not much we can do about them on the course, just fix the hoof prints in the greens. Like to import a couple of big cats, though.
